Training & Development
Our most important resource is our employees and we are committed to training and developing all our employees to enable them to achieve their maximum potential.
We encourage our team to continue to develop existing skills, and continually develop their own knowledge and skill base.
We also have schemes of financial support for recognised qualifications that will benefit both the individual and the company.
Within Neville Funerals, we offer the current and soon to be updated NAFD diploma qualifications, and have our own in house NAFD qualified tutor to deliver these courses. We also train our own embalmers using a BIE recognised tutor and will be seeking to engage with the new BIE apprenticeship when it has been finalised and approved. Additionally we currently have our driver bearers team undertaking a recognised qualification in order that all of our staff have the opportunity to develop their skills to a national standard.
Within the construction and joinery businesses, we offer NVQ’s from Level 2 to Level 7 as part of a personally tailored development review system. We run a constant programme of health and safety and industry specific training to ensure that everyone is completely up to date with their training requirements. Across the whole business we subscribe to a portal of online training, some of which is mandatory at induction, and is available to all as part of their personal training plan.